Living Life Deliberately…

People who have made major life changes cannot live “in the shadows” of their old lifestyles.  There must be a deliberation as we go through our days, months, years…our lives.

How can we afford to do less?  If we “ad-lib” our lives, old habits will creep back in…if we are not thinking about the changes we have made and continue making obvious and noticeable  efforts to put our new changes into our lives – again and again and again – we could lose that for which we have worked so hard.  We must live our lives deliberately until the old man is gone and the new man is the new norm!

Have you created a new routine to start your day?  This is so important!  You must capture those first thoughts of the morning.  The enemy loves to “grab” you at the beginning of the day.  Why?  Because the start of your day sets the stage for the rest of your day…If your new morning routine includes Bible reading – be sure your Bible is set where you can see it when you first wake up.  Maybe you have an exercise routine…be sure to play Christian and/or positive music as you begin your day moving to good music and good lyrics.  Eat something healthy at the beginning of the day.  Again, when we do something this healthy and positive at the beginning of our day, we are giving ourselves the message that we are worthy of health, love, and all that God wants to give us!

Do you have goals?  Living your life deliberately requires that you become the guide of your life (as it is in line with God’s will!)  Some of us make daily goals…some weekly goals…some monthly goals.  I don’t believe a once a year “New Year’s Resolution” package will do the job for those of us who want to have meaningful, productive and joyful lives!  Write your goals on paper.  Mark off your goals as you achieve them – give yourself a “happy face!”  🙂

Here’s what I’m trying to get across:  A Good Life is not just “handed to you.”  You must work it out and work it deliberately…on purpose.  Share your Good Life plans with those people in your life – those people who are truly on your side…who want to see you succeed.   Some people want you to fail – now don’t be shocked.  There will be people around you who want to see you fail because they are not happy with who they are; therefore, if you fail too, they won’t feel so bad about themselves.  MISERY DOES LOVE COMPANY.  Be sure you are in the company of positive people who themselves are on the Good path.

Continue to pray for our brothers and sisters who are still in the prison system – a system which is now lacking in LIGHT…lacking in HOPE.  Our God reigns…we will see change in His timing!  Be sure of it!

Loving our Lord…Loving you,

Mrs. H

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