The Journey to Happiness Takes Nine (9) Steps, Step 5: Are You Angry..Do you Hold Grudges? It is Time For You to Understand Mercy…

shaking-handsHow are you faring on our journey to happiness?  Have you stayed on the path or have you taken some unnecessary and costly detours?  Do not be discouraged because everyone of us gets off the path at one time or another.  And because each of us is uniquely made…well…we will get off the path in many different ways.

I got off the path this week and it was in the area that I am writing about today!  It was in the area of mercy.  I have seen God work like this so many times.  I will be wanting to write about a certain area – thinking that just maybe I have a little success in the area and  * BOOM *  I get off the path.  I did not even know I was going in the wrong direction until I began to sense that I was in the wilderness!  Briefly – here’s what happened:  Where I work, I asked for volunteers from the people who work for me and then I became upset when not everyone volunteered!  Later, one person came to me to discuss something else, and I confronted him about not volunteering.  He tried to explain that he did not understand how important the project was to me and then – he volunteered to help!  Guess what I said (remembering I was off the path!?!)  I said that I didn’t think that his help was needed because if he had REALLY wanted to help…he would have volunteered in the first place!

As I sit here now, I am feeling remorseful and know that I need to tell him I apologize for my reaction to his “late” volunteering.  I have to admit (sitting here now) that I was angry at him (and the others) and after he tried to do the right thing…he tried to volunteer to help me…I showed him no mercy…I showed him no compassion.  To be honest, and I am sorry to say it, but I was very unfriendly about it.

In the first place, I should have communicated my true feelings about the project to those who were working with me.  And if I expected everyone to help, I should have simply made it mandatory!  But I didn’t, and I got off the Christian path.  I let my emotions guide my behavior.  I hurt the feelings of a good man.

The point is this:  without the mercy and compassion of our creator God, we would not even be alive.  We would not draw in one more breath.  Think about it.  Think about all the times you can show mercy to someone who you think may have let you down in some way…someone that you are angry at…someone whose personality does not always flow smoothly with your personality.  Think of those who depend on you and who, without your good will, would have a harder/rougher life.

Often, people in positions of power (whether it is a little power or a great deal of power) can adopt an arrogant attitude almost without even trying.  When this arrogance sneaks in…we must RUSH back to Step 1:  Humility – we must know that each of us has equal value in God’s eyes.  We must never forget who we are and who we are not.

Passage Matthew 5:7:
Blessed (happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous–with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy!

I want the MERCY OF GOD at the end of my time on earth!  Let’s continue down the path together.  Encourage one another.

God bless each of you!

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